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Evaluation of the Degradation Level of a Fluvial Basin in the Western Area of Côte d'Ivoire: Case of the Cavally River

Received: 2 October 2021     Accepted: 2 November 2021     Published: 3 November 2021
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The present study is a diagnosis of the level of degradation of Cavally River in Côte d'Ivoire. Several abiotic indicators such as physico-chemical parameters were appreciated. These abiotic indicators were supported by biotic indicators sensitive to some variations in quality of water. That is the use of benthic macro-invertebrates as some species of freshwater shrimps of the genus Macrobrachium. Sampling was made between September 2015 and August 2016 on the upper course of Cavally River and the area on either side of the mining zone "Ity". Measures of physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature of water, hydrogen potential, electrical conductivity, mercury rate and water transparency were made by season using multi parameters. Shrimps were caught monthly using dip nets and keep nets. The extreme value of physicochemical parameters is for dissolved oxygen value were 4.90 mg/l, temperature of water (25.55°C), hydrogen potential (8.48), electrical conductivity (53.14 μS/cm), mercury rate (5.75.10-3 mg/kg) and water transparency (27.06 cm). In general, the results showed that the extreme values of physico-chemical parameters were recorded in areas with high concentrations of anthropogenic activities. In the mining areas, high levels of mercury have been recorded above those of the WHO guideline for surface water. In total, M. vollenhovenii was the most abundant species with 383 individuals out of 879 specimens caught (43.57%). It is followed by M. dux with 321 individuals (36.51%) and M. macrobrachion with an abundance of 175 individuals (19.90%). Spatially, these species have been more abundant in the upstream and downstream areas which are more or less conserved environments. However, they were less abundant in mining areas. These results show that the upper course of the Cavally River is deteriorating. That constitutes a real threat to aquatic organisms and biodiversity.

Published in American Journal of Environmental Protection (Volume 10, Issue 5)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajep.20211005.12
Page(s) 111-119
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Population Pressure, Environmental Level Degradation, Freshwater Shrimps, Physico-chemical Parameters, Cavally River, Côte d’Ivoire

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  • APA Style

    Kouamé Toto, N’Zi Konan Gervais, Gooré Bi Gouli. (2021). Evaluation of the Degradation Level of a Fluvial Basin in the Western Area of Côte d'Ivoire: Case of the Cavally River. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 10(5), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20211005.12

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    ACS Style

    Kouamé Toto; N’Zi Konan Gervais; Gooré Bi Gouli. Evaluation of the Degradation Level of a Fluvial Basin in the Western Area of Côte d'Ivoire: Case of the Cavally River. Am. J. Environ. Prot. 2021, 10(5), 111-119. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20211005.12

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    AMA Style

    Kouamé Toto, N’Zi Konan Gervais, Gooré Bi Gouli. Evaluation of the Degradation Level of a Fluvial Basin in the Western Area of Côte d'Ivoire: Case of the Cavally River. Am J Environ Prot. 2021;10(5):111-119. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20211005.12

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      abstract = {The present study is a diagnosis of the level of degradation of Cavally River in Côte d'Ivoire. Several abiotic indicators such as physico-chemical parameters were appreciated. These abiotic indicators were supported by biotic indicators sensitive to some variations in quality of water. That is the use of benthic macro-invertebrates as some species of freshwater shrimps of the genus Macrobrachium. Sampling was made between September 2015 and August 2016 on the upper course of Cavally River and the area on either side of the mining zone "Ity". Measures of physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature of water, hydrogen potential, electrical conductivity, mercury rate and water transparency were made by season using multi parameters. Shrimps were caught monthly using dip nets and keep nets. The extreme value of physicochemical parameters is for dissolved oxygen value were 4.90 mg/l, temperature of water (25.55°C), hydrogen potential (8.48), electrical conductivity (53.14 μS/cm), mercury rate (5.75.10-3 mg/kg) and water transparency (27.06 cm). In general, the results showed that the extreme values of physico-chemical parameters were recorded in areas with high concentrations of anthropogenic activities. In the mining areas, high levels of mercury have been recorded above those of the WHO guideline for surface water. In total, M. vollenhovenii was the most abundant species with 383 individuals out of 879 specimens caught (43.57%). It is followed by M. dux with 321 individuals (36.51%) and M. macrobrachion with an abundance of 175 individuals (19.90%). Spatially, these species have been more abundant in the upstream and downstream areas which are more or less conserved environments. However, they were less abundant in mining areas. These results show that the upper course of the Cavally River is deteriorating. That constitutes a real threat to aquatic organisms and biodiversity.},
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    T1  - Evaluation of the Degradation Level of a Fluvial Basin in the Western Area of Côte d'Ivoire: Case of the Cavally River
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    AB  - The present study is a diagnosis of the level of degradation of Cavally River in Côte d'Ivoire. Several abiotic indicators such as physico-chemical parameters were appreciated. These abiotic indicators were supported by biotic indicators sensitive to some variations in quality of water. That is the use of benthic macro-invertebrates as some species of freshwater shrimps of the genus Macrobrachium. Sampling was made between September 2015 and August 2016 on the upper course of Cavally River and the area on either side of the mining zone "Ity". Measures of physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature of water, hydrogen potential, electrical conductivity, mercury rate and water transparency were made by season using multi parameters. Shrimps were caught monthly using dip nets and keep nets. The extreme value of physicochemical parameters is for dissolved oxygen value were 4.90 mg/l, temperature of water (25.55°C), hydrogen potential (8.48), electrical conductivity (53.14 μS/cm), mercury rate (5.75.10-3 mg/kg) and water transparency (27.06 cm). In general, the results showed that the extreme values of physico-chemical parameters were recorded in areas with high concentrations of anthropogenic activities. In the mining areas, high levels of mercury have been recorded above those of the WHO guideline for surface water. In total, M. vollenhovenii was the most abundant species with 383 individuals out of 879 specimens caught (43.57%). It is followed by M. dux with 321 individuals (36.51%) and M. macrobrachion with an abundance of 175 individuals (19.90%). Spatially, these species have been more abundant in the upstream and downstream areas which are more or less conserved environments. However, they were less abundant in mining areas. These results show that the upper course of the Cavally River is deteriorating. That constitutes a real threat to aquatic organisms and biodiversity.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 5
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Laboratory of Hydrobiology, University Félix Houphou?t-Boigny, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Laboratory of Hydrobiology, University Félix Houphou?t-Boigny, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Laboratory of Hydrobiology, University Félix Houphou?t-Boigny, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

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